What is Colon Cancer? Colon cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in the large intestine, or colon.
Who gets it? Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in the United States; anybody can get colon cancer.
Can it be treated? When detected early, colon cancer has a very high cure rate. Up to 90% of cases can be cured without radical surgery.
Where does it come from? Colon tumors start out as small, benign growths - called POLYPS - in the lining of the colon.
Is it possible to keep polyps from developing into cancer? Colon cancer can be prevented by removing polyps, usually without surgery, before they develop into cancer.
What increases the risk for colon cancer? Your risk of colon cancer is increased if you have a parent, brother or sister with a history of polyps, colon cancer or other cancers. A regular program of prevention and early detection would be of special benefit to you.
If you have a history of polyps, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's Disease, then you are also at increased risk of colon cancer, and a regular program of prevention and early detection would be beneficial.
How do I know if I have polyps? With a variety of tests, a doctor can determine whether you have polyps. For most people who are 50 or older, periodic check-ups with the following tests are recommended:
Stool Blood Test Annually
Sigmoidoscopy Every 5 Years
Colonoscopy Every 10 Years
If your family or personal medical history puts you at increased risk of colon cancer, then you should have a colonoscopy every five years beginning at age 40.
How else can I reduce my chances of getting colon cancer? Studies suggest that your lifestyle may affect your chances of developing colon cancer. Experts suggest that you:
Decrease the amount of fat in your diet
Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables
Maintain the proper body weight for your size
Engage in regular physical activity
aku x pasti korang pnh dengar x tentang penyakit ni.....tp utk pengetahuan korang....aku baru dengar.......weekend lepas.....aku sembang gan bos....bos tanya samaada aku dengar cerita ttg one of X staf kat HR dulu...(aku gan bos sama2 bekas staf HR, n staf yg d maksudkan pun dah tfere ke jabatan lain) sakit tenat dan sekarang ada kat HUSM....kata bos....dia sakit lukiema ...stage 4....
..kebetulan bos kat HUSM utk treatment dia...dan ada org bgtau ttg staf ni yg sedang nazak....
korang, beliau yg d maksudkan baru berusia 26 tahun, baru mendirikan rumahtangga tahun lepas, isteri beliau staf sementara d sini...sedang sarat mengandung anak pertama...ujung bulan d jangka akan melahirkan...
isnin lepas, bila aku dtg keja...bos tipon utk memberitahu...KORDRI sudah meninggal dunia......aku terpana ok...wpun aku bukan kenal rapat...tp sekurang2nya....kami penah bekerja bwh satu bumbung wpun beliau bukan dr unit yg sama...dan dia juga bkn clerk unit aku...aku lihat wajah dia setiap hari sebelum aku tfere ke jabatan lain....aku ambil masa yg lama utk bertenang........wajah beliau bermain d ruang mata...
aku d beritahu, allahyarham bukan mengidap lukiema, tapi canser colon....sekitar NOV taun lepas...mendapat rawatan d GH....apa yg menghampakan....penyakit beliau tidak dpt d kesan...dan beliau menghadapi kerenah birokrasi d sana utk menerima rawatan..akhirnya bila kes d rujuk ke HUSM....beliau sudah berada d stage 4....

OH HATI--> alfatihah utk allahyarham Kordri...moga d tempatkan bersama2 insan yg beriman dan beramal soleh......aminnn!!!!
Al-Fatihah... dan takziah ye nokkk... aku juga tpana di sini... muda lagi sehhh... tak dpt nk bayangkan cemana wife dgn baby arwah... dan... kisah sedih ini saling x tumpah semacam kisah sedih kawan aku yg telah kembali kpdNya last year... huhuhu
emmmm...takziah. AL-Fatihah utk arwah..x dpt nk bayangkan mcm mana his wife nk lalui suma nihhh...huhu,aku x kuattttttt.
amoi kt tempat kja hubby dulu pon baru pas operate colon cancer nya hal la..dh stage 3,pon baru sj kawen bln 12 hari tu.dulu nyampah betul ngan dia tp bila dpt tau dia jd mcm tu...mcm guilty plak dok x suka kt dia..opppssss.
Dari Dia kita datang ..kepada Dia kita pergi
kesian isteri yg sedang menunggu hari ..kesian anak yatim yg bakal lahir ..
muda lagi dah kena kanser usus
moga arwah berada dikalangan orang2 soleh
takziah utk keluarga berkenaan.
colon cancer = silent killer, kebiasaannya tahu2 jer dah stage final :(
Takziah buat family dia. Kesian....
Kak Tie tak tahu mengenai cancer colon ni...pembunuh senyap, ya...
utk semua...doakan...moga dia aman d sana...AMIN
al fatihah untuk arwah. sian kan kat isteri ngan bbay dia. itulah yg ko citer pasal insuran tuh kan..ya..ya cuba bayangkan kalau arwah tak amik insuran cam ner isteri dia nak survive nak jaga anak yg bakal lahir..tambah kalau wife tak keje????
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