Friday, April 24, 2009

tahniah..tag lagi...


Tag tersebut:

Here’s a chance to see how well you really know your husband. Cut, paste and fill in the answers, then shoot, you know what to do. The real challenge is to send it to your husband to see

how right you really are.

He’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
-bola....bola.....bola....bola lagik..dan lagik...dan biasanya dia lebih byk tido depan TV..wakka

You’re out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?

- dia x minat menda2 alah ni...

What’s one food he doesn’t like?

- laksam kot....byk gak menda dia x berapa minat....tempe pun dia x soker!!

You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?

- dulu teh o ais....sejak xleh minum atas faktor kesihatan....dia slalu oder sirap limau..huhu

Where did he go to high school?

- hehe.....aku kena double check...wakkaka...poli ke?..ngeh2

What size shoes does he wear?

- 6/7

What is his favorite type of sandwich

- menda alah ni pun dia x minat

What would this person eat every day if he could?

- Nasi gan gulai..huhuhu..cemuih aku

What is his favorite cereal?

- yilek....dia x minat wpun pnh mencuba

What would he never wear?

- baju kaler pink....wink wink...ahaks

What is his favorite sports team?

- arsegal ke bah? ke cinta udah beralih arah?

Who did he vote for?

- VOTE? bah...dulu pnh vote mawi kan?..wkakakak

Who is his best friend?

- AKU.....compom!!!...

What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do?

- merempit...dulu gan moto..skrg gan keta..."mama..bwk keta slow2 skit...."

What is his heritage?

- siam...ngeh2

What is his favorite colour?

- xde yg spesifik....

What is his habit?

-fantasy football

What is he proud off?

- selain moto...aku akan paksa dia berbangga gan aku dan anak2..hehe

Lastly, do you think he will read this?

- SOHIH!!!!!.....klu dia terlepas pandang....aku akan paksa dia baca nanti...wakkakaka

I want to tag all the wifey below :

ssiapa rasa nk buat...sila la..jgn malu2....!!

OH HATI--> arsegal x best la abah...bluwekkkk!!!!


  1. baju kaler pink? biar betul hehe

  2. Ho ho...memang musim award dan tag... tentu letih gak !!


org yg cantik dan tampan...mmg AKAN komen d sini