Monday, December 1, 2008

friendship poem from LIYA

And lovely are the blossoms
That are tended with great care,
By those who work unselfishly
To make the place more fair

And, like the garden blossoms,
Friendship's flower grows more sweet
When watched and tended carefully
By those we know and meet

And, if the seed of friendship
Is planted deep and true
And watched with understanding,
Friendship's flower will bloom for you


:pompom: pertamanya...MACIH pd LIYA yg pemurah dan baik ati (spt biasa ye..) kerana memberi aku poem ni......perh...banyak kali aku check tuk memastikan INTAN yg d maksudkan oleh dia adalah AKU...mana le tau kan....dia byk kkwn...hahahah..kot2 ada INTAN lain ke...kan udah besar kemaluan aku (sila jgn biru kan ayat ni)....

:hippie:aku harap friendship kita mcm setaman bunga ye LIYA...thanks 4 being a very helpful friend of me... banyak sebenarnya JASA ko (yg mungkin ko sndiri x perasan) pd blog aku....muaaahhhhhh panjang2 tuk ko d pp ye...


*Here are the rules for this tag*

1. Copy the badge and put it on your blog. done!

2. Link back who pass you this special TAG. done!

3. Spread this tag to at least 7 or more bloggers who you think you are friend with.
here we goes...

a) CT zack
b) Benjy
c) fizan
d) ainal
e) kak ita
f) aidaroha
g) boolah

OH HATI --> perhh..rasa terharu sampai ke tulang sum sum gitew...

1 comment:

org yg cantik dan tampan...mmg AKAN komen d sini